Sunday, July 1, 2012

Meet the Neighbors

We've been in Germany now for almost 1 month.  I think 3 months worth of events have transpired in that month as we've had to relearn how to do everything from ordering a Big Mac at McDonald's to buying water (there's a story there I'll share in another post - Europeans love their carbonation).

This is very difficult for an engineer, but this blog will not be in chronological order.  Painful.  But, it is either that, or I never get started blogging.  Maybe I'll introduce you first to some of our neighbors.

 As you can see, we don't live in a metropolitan area.  Our flat is in a very small town.  The arrival of our family of four caused a 4% population spike.  The rabbit cage sits literally 10 ft, urhhh, I mean 3 meters from our front door.  Makes for some interesting smells as you exit the flat.  You either get nice flower smell, or something....else.  Garfield the cat was unavailable for photos.  I'll have a chat with his agent.

Here is the flat.  The flat owner is a very good gardener.

If you need to triangulate the area, chickens to the right of this photo, horses to the left, and rabbits & cats in the middle. 


  1. Thanks for posting, Andrew. Praying for you and your family.

  2. I love it!! Keep it up, it is nice to have your perspective on the adventure oversees! Maybe we could have some clogging, I'm sorry, BLOGGING girls added in the mix. That would be FUN!! Love and miss you guys, the Hackathorns :)

  3. Nice! What part of Germany are you in? Wont say I am surprised that you have moved to another continent and still live in the "county". Thank god my dad left the farm! Hope all is well with you and the family. It will be funny when you get back and order a still or sparkling water in Wooster.
