Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Language Study, not for the Squeamish

So studying German language with children brings a different perspective to the surface.  I'll warn you up front, if you do not find humor in bodily functions, you will want to skip this post altogether.

It all started when my family learned the German word for Father.  It is Vater.  At first I was excited to have my family call me Vater (Luke - I'm your Father Vater) until I learned that in German V's are pronounced like F's and the a is a short a sound. 

Armed with this linguistic knowledge, I go from famous Hollywood tough guy wielding a lightsaber to walking whoopie cushion.  My family thought this was pretty accurate, but innocent until proven guilty, right?  At least THE FORCE was with me for a brief moment before it passed.

Are you starting to get the idea here?  Remember there are children involved in this language study (because I would never perpetuate such ideas).  Let's move on to the the next example.  See if you can find anything interesting in the following sentence:  Der Mann fährt Auto.  This means a man drives a car, unless you are in grade school which shifts the meaning to my Dad is a walking whoopie cushion.  Thanks Rosetta Stone for putting this little gem on the first CD.

Driving on the Autobahn, there are signs for exits labeled Ausfahrt.  My wife more elequently describes this nuance in one of her rececent posts.  It is worth the read.  (click here to read her post)

I can't even apologize for this post in German without this topic lingering: Es tut (pronounced toot) mir leid.

Ok, I know, enough already.  New topic. Mom, did you ever think your son would take to daily duschen?  Of course I'm refering to the German word for showering.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my word, Drew! Hilarious!!!! I loved Bria's post too, but so funny to hear your perspective! Love you guys and praying much!
