Sunday, July 22, 2012

An American Bike in Germany

Hello, this is Andrew's bike.  Andrew was not into blogging today, so he asked if I would do it for him.  After all, I did provide all the entertainment yesterday.  After spending 6 weeks in a box breathing salt air and trying not to rust, it is about time I got a chance to hit the open road. 

It started a little rough because I was just shoved into the back of a car with another bike.  I don't think we drove very far, but I'm not sure because I was on the bottom of the bike pile.  My achin' sprockets.  Can someone tell Andrew about bike racks?

It rained a bit at the beginning and we thought about turning back.  I'm glad we didn't.  I took the family to the next town over to see what it was like.  They drive through this town with the car all the time, but I think I provided a much better look.  I turned on my bike-cam at certain points to show you what it was like.  Sorry, I'm still a bit shaky from my 6-week captivity in a shipping crate so the video is a little choppy.  I mixed in some still shots too.  Here is the link to the video on YouTube:

As you can see, I'm a sucker for a good water wheel.   (Being a bike, naturally I have a thing for wheels.)  I wonder what they are driving inside the buildings.

At the end of the ride along the river, they went into a pizza place to eat.  Of course, they just left me outside.  That's OK.  It's what I do.

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