Sunday, October 21, 2012

New Flat

The blog posts have taken to infrequency partly due moving into a new flat and partly due to my laziness.  Na ja (oh well).  If you are interested, I'll take you on a quick tour of our new flat.

Here is the entry as you enter the front (and only) door.

Straight ahead is one of the bedrooms.  The other bedroom is just to the left.  Here is the girls' bedroom.

The phrase "if I don't get those 15 minutes of sleep, I'm a hot mess" was spoken from this room by my 8 year old daughter.  Missing is the usual area rug consisting of dirty clothes and legos.

As you turn left from the entrance, you enter the dining room and kitchen.  The kitchen has all the kitcheny kind of stuff.

Living Room

Our favorite part of the flat is the balcomy.  The living room and one of the bedrooms has a door to the balcony.  Here is the view from the balcony.

I have to give props to the bathroom.  It has all the bathroomy things.

My daughters redecorated the flat as I was carrying boxes up from the van.  All their stuffed animals found there way onto the display shelves.  They are still there.

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