Saturday, August 18, 2012

This Cave is How Long??

After we rode on the toboggan run down the mountain, we walked about 1 km to the cave. Here is the trail along the way to the cave.

We arrived at the cave entrance and paid the fee to go inside.  After waiting, a group of about 100 people entered the cave through a small door.  We walked into a large expanse, and they closed the door.  I was thinking this was the cave.  There was a short program and then we started walking deeper into the cave.  Then deeper.  Then deeper.  Then down stairs.  Then up stairs.  Then deeper.  The cave is 1.5 km long and takes 1 hour to walk through.  I hit my head on the cave ceiling several times.

They call this cave "The Devil's Cave".  In the 1920's, livestock kept disappearing in the area so people thought the devil was taking them.  They found bones of all the animals that had fallen into the cave when the cave was discovered. 

A little paddleboat ride to cap off the day.

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